This year at Working Draft we are exploring the theme of “time.”
Time shapes our stories and ideas, connecting insights from the past to possibilities for the future.
Working Draft’s fifth edition invites you to join us on our exploration of time. Whether you feel it’s passing you by or slowly dragging on, time is a constant that brings evolution and growth — as well as change and loss. It’s infinite, but we can run out of it. Time is a reminder that while the past shapes us and the future calls us, the present is where we truly live.
In this issue, our writers navigate the nuances of time and consider its influence on the stories that move and define us.
Thanks for reading.
“Time” graphic by Alicia Régnier .
“Time” video by the 2024 Media Production specialization (students: Liam Davies, Eric Ducharme, Charles Fernandes, Reuben Pajemolin, Alicia Régnier , and Abby Wall; faculty advising: Braiden Watling)