Dear Readers,
We invite you to join us on an exploration of time through our fifth edition of Working Draft. In this issue, our writers navigate the nuances of time and consider its influence on the stories that move and define us. From Caleb Jutzi writing about planting more than 10,000 trees in one day to Alicia Régnier looking at how musical theatre is changing over time, our contributors look at how time shapes our stories and ideas.
Time brings evolution and growth — as well as change and loss. Whether you feel it’s passing you by or slowly dragging on, the stories in this edition of Working Draft are a reminder that while the past shapes us and the future calls us, the present is where we truly live.
Thank you for spending some of your precious time with us,
— 2024 Working Draft Contributors and Editorial Board
Not sure where to start? Try these reads:
Creative Nonfiction
Aaniindi Ezhaayin? (Where are you Going?) by Hannah Palamer
A Forest in a Day by Caleb Jutzi
ReWinding by Nate Flaman
Together We Escape by Megan Hederson
Root Bound By Marshal Hodgins
Virtually Hairless by Jazmin Foster
Ryan’s Story by Kaitlin Tomcko
From Bow to Stern by Elisabeth Kehler
Where the Frogs Still Sing by Jura McIlraith
Casting a Wider Net by Alicia Régnier
Seeking Safety by Abby Wall
Life Beyond Borders by Danna Bianca Carreon
Too Soon by Charles Fernandes
Threading the Spirit Bead by Tessa Adamski
A Filipino Nurse, A Canadian Dream by John Laracas
The Resale Revolution by Christina Klysh
“Time” video by the 2024 Media Production specialization (students: Liam Davies, Eric Ducharme, Charles Fernandes, Reuben Pajemolin, Alicia Régnier , and Abby Wall; faculty advising: Braiden Watling)